i've heard that instead of boiling lasagna noodles, you can just add an extra cup of sauce to the bottom. but when i've tried to do that, the noodles are still raw after baking.
today i soaked the raw noodles in water for about an hour. they got bendable.
then i just followed the recipe.
basically i'm just trying to avoid boiling the noodles :o)
the noodles came out alright, but still ever slightly on the firm side. next time i'll soak them in water for longer.
ugh, just tried microwaving popcorn with sugar and oil in an attempt to make my own microwave kettle corn. it was a total fail. even though i waited for 2 seconds between pops, there was a big ball of burn. next time it's back to cooking kettle corn on the stovetop!
also it doesn't appear that kettle corn goes through the garbage disposal. maybe it'll just dissolve after a while . . .
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