Monday, November 10, 2008

work life balance tip

in the book i just finished reading, ahead of the curve, the author talks about how most of the guest speakers from top notch companies and fellow harvard mba's had shitty relationships with their children because they'd put in a massive number of hours at work.  he spoke about how making millions was quantifiable, whereas having a healthy relationship with your kids wasn't.  is that crazy?  and a bunch of them were divorced too.  he made it seem very one-or-the-other.  either you have this really successful professional life and your kids are strangers, or you bond with your kids and don't climb up the professional ladder.  i find that horrific.  of course he was really talking about ceo type people, not people like me.  the tip is this:  try not to sell your soul for cash.  i think it's less fun to be loaded and have your kids hate you than to be moderately wealthy and actually be involved with your kids' lives.

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